I had a good look at a Zero motorcycle last week at my good buddy Art’s dealership, Douglas Motorcycles in San Bernardino, California. There’s more info coming, folks, but check out this cool photo of yours truly on an arm-stretching Zero…
My wife took that shot, and I processed it in Photoshop to convert the background to black and white. I like it. And I liked the Zero. It was scary fast. But that’s a story for a future blog. Keep an eye on the ExhaustNotes blog, because that story is coming!
By Mike Huber India: Part IV (Enroute to Alawar) The next day was the day…
By Joe Berk My sister Eileen is a time-share person, and she frequently swaps places…
By Mike Huber India: Part III My third day in India: I had met Iqbal…
By Joe Berk San Diego, Calilfornia. I love that town. One of its best attractions…
By Joe Berk If you can find a copy of this weekend's Wall Street Journal,…
By Mike Huber India: Part II As my flight approached Delhi, India, the thoughts in…