British Motorcycle Gear

Categories: BajaFeel Good Stuff

Which Baja beach bike?

Baja John, somewhere in Baja’s Valle de los Cirios, making my old KLR look good.

I just got a call from good buddy Baja John, a guy with whom I’ve been exploring Baja for the last 30 years.   Part of the call was about what we’d be riding and where we’ll be going on our next Baja foray in December (more on that in a future blog), and part of was about keeping a bike in Mexico.  John has a home in Mexico right on the water in Bahia de Los Angeles.  The Bay of Los Angeles is about 400 miles south of the border on the Sea of Cortez.  It’s a cool place.

Bahia de Los Angeles, denoted by the red arrow.

My good buddy John wants to buy a bike and keep it at his Baja beach house.  I think that’s a cool idea.   The question is:  Which bike?  John saw a CSC RX3 for sale near his home here in the US.  He already owns an RX3 and he loves it, but the idea of picking up a second one and keeping it in Mexico is appealing.

A second RX3 isn’t the only bike John is considering.  He also has an older KLR 650, and he might just move it to Mexico.  And, old John is intrigued by the CSC TT250 (he’s heard me talk about its light weight, super handling, and simple maintainability enough and he’s interested).  And then there’s the Royal Enfield Himalayan (that bike is getting great reviews, too).

I told John I had my ideas on the perfect beach front bike, and then I thought hey, I’m not the brightest bulb in the room (the room being the ExhaustNotes blog).   I asked John if it was okay to post the question here and solicit your inputs, and he thought that would be a grand idea.   So, the question is:  Which bike would you keep in a Bahia de Los Angeles beach house, and why?

Let’s hear your thoughts in the Comments area of this blog, folks!

See more on Baja here!

Joe Berk

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