British Motorcycle Gear

Day 7 and a wake up…

The Interceptor in Baja. It’s perfect, and a perfect match for Baja’s orange wildflowers. Orange is the fastest color.  Ask Orlando.

As you’re reading this, Gresh and I are having another excellent breakfast at the Malinalli Sabores Autóctonos restaurant next to the Hacienda Hotel in Tecate, where we arrived last night after another excellent day on the road.  As you know, we’ve had a ton of rain this winter, and I’ve never seen Baja so green, orange, and yellow.  The wine country south of Ensenada was stunningly vibrant, the orange and yellow wildflowers were in full bloom, the sky was a brilliant blue, and the Interceptor was perfect.   Folks, there are few things in life that are as much fun as a Baja motorcycle ride.   Doing it on the Enfields was a special treat.  Trust me on this.

The Old Mill Hotel in San Quintin, one of Baja’s best kept secrets and a must see spot for any motorcycle ride.

We rolled out of the Old Mill Hotel in San Quintin late, soaking up the morning sun and enjoying coffee prepared by one of our hotel neighbors.  It was an easy run up Mexico 1 and we set a leisurely pace.   We encountered the same construction delay in the mountains we experienced on the ride south…you know, one of those deals where they stop traffic going each way while folks going the other way have to wait for all of the other folks who have been waiting.   Today was a bit more interesting.  As an 18-wheeler passed a trailer (a trailer that was somehow associated with two guys riding BMWs…do the GS models always come with a support trailer?), it hit the trailer on a tight corner.   That one could get messy.  I hope those riders had their BajaBound insurance.  We sure did.  I never enter Baja without my BajaBound insurance.


After that, we entered the mess that is Ensenada, but we filtered through it quickly.  Then it was on to the Ruta del Vino, a quick stop at the L.A. Cetto vineyards, and back to Tecate.

Uncle Joe in the L.A. Cetto vineyard tasting room. We didn’t taste any wine because we were on the bikes, but I bought a Cabernet to take home. The “t” is silent.

The Interceptor was just perfect, as it has been on this entire trip.   The guys at Southern California Motorcycles in Brea did a fine job prepping the bike for our trip, as was evidenced by the bike’s flawless performance.  I’m going to give you my detailed comments on both the Interceptor and the Bullet in a subsequent blog, as will Joe Gresh.   This has been a hell of a trip, and it’s not over yet.

Stay tuned, my friends!

Joe Berk

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