British Motorcycle Gear

So…I’ve been back from Baja for a few days now and I’m just starting to get back into the groove of life in So Cal again.  I had one more short video of our whale watching day I thought I’d share…

Good buddy Greg and I thought we’d head out to the range yesterday.  The creek was still flowing pretty well from all of our So Cal rains and we made it across, only to find out that the range was still closed.   We could have shot as full members, but we didn’t bring target stands with us thinking that the range would be open and they’d be available.  Greg commented that he should have video recorded our turning the Subaru into an amphibious vehicle, and then we realized we’d soon have another opportunity…we had to get back across that creek…

That’s it for now.  We have two or three more posts from the Baja trip we’ll be adding in the next few days…one focused on the dining, one on not panicking when bikes break down, and one on our itinerary (as good buddy Peter requested).   This trip was a bit more relaxed than usual, in that we did about 200 miles per day and we took a full day in Guerrero Negro, and that worked out well.

Later, my friends.  Stay tuned!

Joe Berk

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