Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I remember saying that prayer whenever it was my turn to say grace before a family dinner. It was always good for a laugh. Thinking about those big turkey dinners turned my thoughts to the best parts of any motorcycle adventure, and that’s the food. I’ve enjoyed some fantastic meals on the road, and you know what? People tell me the photos have been the best part of any writing I did along the way. I like photos of scenery and people on our adventures, but readers consistently tell me the food photos are the most interesting. Allow me to share with you some of my favorites.
Wow, was Colombia ever an adventure. Everything about that ride was absolutely world class, including the dining. Take a look.
What can I say? The ride across China was amazing in every way, and the food was one of the best parts of it.
Hey, no discussion related to adventure riding and food would be complete without touching on Baja!
The above is just a small sampling of delicacies I’ve enjoyed on the road. You can find more by reading about our other rides, and you can get to those on our Epic Rides page.
That’s it for now. For some reason, I’m hungry. Later, my friends.