British Motorcycle Gear

Categories: GearGuns

Coming Up: A 9mm Comparo

I’ve been lusting over the SIG P226 Scorpion for some time now, and after a little bit of brushing up on my negotiation tactics, I pulled the trigger (figuratively speaking) on one this morning.

I like the looks of the SIG, I like that it is an alloy-framed handgun (I’m not a big fan of the plastic guns), and I like that it is a SIG.   Good buddy TJ told me he believes these are the finest handguns available today, and he’s a guy who knows handguns.  The US Army recently made their sidearm decision and it’s SIG.  That’s a strong endorsement, I think.

I bought my SIG Scorpion at Turner’s, the gun will be in the store this Thursday, and that’s when I get to start the PRK (Peoples Republik of Kalifornia) 10-day waiting period.

My tried and trusty Model 59, the gun that got me hooked on 5.0 grains of Unique and a 125-grain cast roundnose bullet.

I’ve got a boatload of 9mm ammunition reloaded and ready to go, but that got me to thinking:  What load might work best in the new SIG?  I’d found in the past that 5.0 grains of Unique and a 125-grain cast roundnose bullet provided great accuracy in my Model 59, but then I got lazy and I stuck with that as my standard 9mm load in everything.  I’ll be the first guy to tell you that to find the best load in any gun, you need to experiment and develop a load specifically for that gun.   I have a couple of other 9mm pistols (a Springfield Armory 1911 and the Model 659 Smith and Wesson that I’ve blogged about before), and I’ve simply used my 5.0-grain Unique/125-grain cast roundnose in all of them.  Is there a better load for each of these handguns?

The 659 with my 125 grain cast roundnose reloads.
The Springfield 9mm 1911. It seems to like the 5.0 grain Unique/125-grain roundnose load, too.

So here’s what’s coming up:  I’m going to do a load development comparo for the 659, the 1911, and the P226 to see where the accuracy lives for each gun.  I’m thinking Unique, Bullseye, Power Pistol, the 147 grain Speer, the 125 gr cast RN Missouri, and maybe a 115 full metal jacket or hollowpoint bullet.  I’m looking for inputs, so if you have a favored load for your 9mm handgun, let me know and I may throw it into the mix, too.  Please add your suggestions to the Comments section here.   I’ll keep you posted.

Want to read our other Tales of the Gun stories?  You can find them here.

We’re thinking about another book, one that would include all of our Tales of the Gun stories and much more.   What do you think?  Let us know if you think you might have an interest in this new book to help us assess the market.  In the meantime, you can see our other titles here.

Joe Berk

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