British Motorcycle Gear

Categories: GearGuns

Star Machine Works

If you’ve followed the story about my resurrected Star reloader, you’ve read about good buddy Bruce Williams’ Star Machine Works.  Bruce bought the fixtures and other production equipment from the original Star Machine Works company, and he has made a business of restoring complete reloaders and offering parts for these grand old machines.  He is the go to guy when it comes to Star stuff, and his work is stunning.  My Star resurrection is a ham-and-eggs approach by a guy who really didn’t know what he was doing bringing a Star back to life; Bruce’s work is the gold standard. Bruce sent a few photos to me of his restored Star reloaders, and I thought I would share them with you here.

Here’s  a photo of Star that came to Bruce for restoration in the “before” condition:

Here’s an “after” photo of that same fully-restored Star:

Here are a few closeup photos showing a few of Bruce’s other restorations:

Bruce’s prices on a restored Star reloader are, in my opinion, way too low.  I know the amount of work I put into mine to get it working, and there’s no way I would sell it for what Bruce gets for one of these machines.  Had I known what a Star reloader is (and what the machine can do), I would have just bought a restored Star from Bruce.  His work is impressive.

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Joe Berk

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