British Motorcycle Gear

Flight 93 National Memorial

September 11, 2001, is a day everyone remembers.  I was just getting up when my daughter ran in to tell us about what was on the news:  A plane had just hit the World Trade Center.  Then, while watching the news, we saw another plane hit the second tower.  Then we heard about the Pentagon.  And finally, we heard about Flight 93:  The plane that went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

It was story that would develop over the next several days.  Unquestionably, beyond the horror, anger, and emotions of that day, the story about the bravery of the Flight 93 passengers emerged.   Words that would become known around the world emerged from Todd Beamer, who simply said “Let’s roll.”

We made the trek to the Flight 93 National Memorial recently.  It’s something we all should do.  The riding in that part of the world is epic, the scenery is stunning, and the Flight 93 National Memorial is an emotional experience.  I don’t mind telling you I choked up while up visiting the Flight 93 National Memorial, and I’m choking up writing this blog.

The Tower of Voices, near the park entrance. It’s a gigantic set of wind chimes still under construction. The sign includes another famous quote from George Bush as he was standing on the World Trade Center debris.
A closer view of the Tower of Voices. It’s not operational yet. I’m going to make the ride here again when it is.

The Flight 93 National Memorial is somber, dignified, and elegant.  It consists of the Tower of Voices near the entrance to the area (see above), the impact area, a building with exhibits (in which no photography is allowed), a dark stone walkway denoting Flight 93’s flight path and point of impact, and a wall of 40 tablets (each carrying the name of Flight 93’s victims).

The large structure on the right is the museum. It is thought provoking, emotional, and somber. The dark walkway traces Flight 93’s direction of flight to the impact point. The grassy area to the right is the edge of the debris field.

The dark stone walkway shown in the photo below points to the impact area.  At its end (where you see people) you can gaze out over a large grassy field bordered by a hemlock forest.

The walkway pointing to the impact area.
Taking the walkway in the opposite direction takes you on a counterclockwise walk to the tablet area and into the debris field. We visited on a glorious Pennsylvania day, much like the weather on 9/11.
The large boulder you see here weighs 14 tons. It was moved from the Tower of Voices site to this location, which is where Flight 93 impacted. Its speed was 563 mph.
The 40 tablets, each carrying the name of a Flight 93 victim.
Todd Beamer led the passenger assault on the bastards who hijacked Flight 93.
This small tile was at the base of the Todd Beamer tablet shown in the photo above.

We believe that Flight 93’s intended target was the United States Capitol.  Had the Flight 93 passengers not acted, our national catastrophe would have been much greater.  Both houses of Congress were in session that morning.

Another view of the 40 tablets.
It was hard to see some of this.

A grate of formed stone pointed from the tablets to the impact zone.  Looking between the slats, the boulder denoting the point of impact is visible.

The impact field.
The boulder marking the impact point.

As I mentioned above, I had a difficult time maintaining my composure when visiting the Flight 93 National Memorial.   There is evil in the world, and it was out on September 11, 2001.  Todd Beamer and the other Flight 93 passengers prevented the criminals who hijacked Flight 93 from achieving their objective.  The Flight 93 National Memorial is a fitting tribute to their sacrifice.

There is much symbolism in the Flight 93 National Memorial.  The dark sidewalks and borders represent the coal mined in the Shanksville area.  The lighter stone structures (the walls of the museum and more) are impressed with the grain structure of the hemlock trees bordering the impact area.  The angles in the sidewalks and walls are representative of the hemlock branches.  There are three rows of benches in the viewing area, representing Flight 93’s three passenger seats in each row.

The areas around Shanksville are all rural and the riding is amazing.  Shanksville is in the Allegheny Mountains, and this part of Pennsylvania is stunning.  We visited in April and the Spring weather was a brisk 60 degrees in the day.  It gets hot and humid in the summer.  The Fall weather offers stunning views of the trees changing colors.   I’d think twice before attempting this ride in the winter months due to the freezing temperatures and snow.

Nearby Somerset’s Rey Azteca’s chile relleno with chicken. It was exquisite.

We stayed in Somerset, Pennsylvania, when we visited the Flight 93 National Memorial.  Somerset is the nearest town of any size.  It’s about 10 miles away from the National Memorial.  Shanksville is a very small community without hotels, although that will probably change (the Flight 93 National Memorial is the least visited of the 9/11 memorials, no doubt due to its remote location).  If you stay in Somerset, the best kept secret is Rey Azteca, a Mexican restaurant with awesome cuisine.  Rey Azteca’s chicken chile relleno is prepared in the Guatemalan style and it is awesome.

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Joe Berk

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