British Motorcycle Gear

Categories: Guns

Truer words were never spoken…

ExNotes features a bunch of things (motorcycles, guns, watches, reloading, and more).  We get way more hits on the gun pieces than we do on anything else, but truth be told, we’re old and we’re not motivated by hits, likes, tweets, or any of the other silliness introduced by the so-called social media platforms.  Gresh and I write because we like to write.  It’s that simple.  Don’t get me wrong:  We love it when you click on the pop up ads that appear on the site and in our blogs because that puts money in our pockets.

On occasion, we’ll hear from some left wing asshole (sorry for the redundancy) with his shorts in a knot when we do a gun blog.  Hey, we get it: Some folks hate guns.  My advice and response has always been simple:  If you don’t like guns, don’t buy one.  If you don’t like a gun blog, don’t read it.

But even a lifelong, died-in-the-wool shooting enthusiast like yours truly feels sick, disgusted, and unspeakably sad at the rash of mass shootings that have become common in the last few years.  I knew a guy who lost a daughter in the Virginia Tech shooting.  The aftermath is gut-wrenching.  I’ve wondered:  Should these high capacity weapons be outlawed?  Then I remembered…guns that hold large quantities of ammo have been around for over a hundred years, and when I was a kid, we didn’t have these mass shootings.  So what’s changed?

A friend sent this YouTube video to me a few days ago.  I can’t remember ever having agreed with Bill Maher on anything (not that he or anyone else needs me to), but I think old Maher nailed it.   Take a look:

As I mentioned above, we like it when you click on the pop up ads. We like it even more when you leave comments. We’re eager to hear from you, and if ever one of our posts deserved comments, this is it.

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Joe Berk

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