A couple of months ago Joe Gresh wrote a blog seeking new writers. We picked up Mike Huber, who we already knew from a couple of guest blogs, we have another guy who may come on board (more about that when it’s confirmed), and most recently, Bobbie Surber agreed to join the ExNotes team.
Bobbie is the real deal. She raised four daughters, she’s a construction manager, she’s a rider, and she’s a writer. I know Bobbie rode a G 310 GS BMW all over Baja, she rides a blue Triumph Tiger these days (I used to ride a blue Triumph Tiger, so I know she has good judgement), and she did the Vietnam adventure ride with Mike Huber (a ride you read about on these pages).
Bobbie is an adventurer and she writes well. She will be bringing stories to us on all the above and more, and to start, Bobbie is writing a series on hiking the famed Camino de Santiago across Spain, Portugal, and France. The first installment of this European adventure is going in the queue in the next few days, and I think you will enjoy it. I sure did.
Stay tuned; as always, there are more good stories coming your way.
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By Mike Huber India: Part IV (Enroute to Alawar) The next day was the day…
By Joe Berk My sister Eileen is a time-share person, and she frequently swaps places…
By Mike Huber India: Part III My third day in India: I had met Iqbal…
By Joe Berk San Diego, Calilfornia. I love that town. One of its best attractions…
By Joe Berk If you can find a copy of this weekend's Wall Street Journal,…
By Mike Huber India: Part II As my flight approached Delhi, India, the thoughts in…