British Motorcycle Gear

Back In The Day

Catching Up

Here's a quick update on things we've posted about recently. Someone else won the auction for Hank Williams .357 Ruger…

2 years ago

A 110-grain Python Load

I've owned three Colt Pythons.  Back in the ‘70s I had a blue 6-inch Colt Python and another 6-inch nickel-plated…

3 years ago

Poppy’s Watch

You probably didn't know I was almost Italian.  I'll get to that in a second, and a little further along…

3 years ago

The Janus Halcyon 450 and Motorcycle Classics Magazine

Joe Gresh's recent blog on the Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club and their magazine is, like all of Gresh's writing, outstanding. …

3 years ago

RD350 Yamaha Update

The 1974 RD350 has been faultlessly buzzing around south-central New Mexico these last few months without any attention. The old…

3 years ago

ExNotes Product Review: The VJMC Magazine

The 1970s were the golden years of motorcycling. New and exciting motorcycles poured out of Japan at dizzying speed, so…

3 years ago

A Colt Visit

The city of Hartford in Connecticut is Mecca if you are a Colt fan (as in Colt firearms), and I…

3 years ago

Dream Bike: Honda MT250 Elsinore

The first motorcycle that I couldn’t hold the throttle wide open through the gears was a CR250 Honda Elsinore. I…

3 years ago

My Best Breakdown Story Ever

Nope, it's not my breakdown story, and it's not Gresh's, either.  This one comes to us as a guest blog…

3 years ago

I knocked over a vending machine…

I travel a lot.  It's all secret missions, you know.  Litigations, defense industry work, secret manufacturing processes, and the like. …

3 years ago