British Motorcycle Gear

Back In The Day

The Perfect Bike?

This was a blog I wrote for CSC about 6 years ago, and it's still relevant.  Earlier this year I…

5 years ago

The Original Exhaust Notes

The year was 1968, I was a 17-year-old pup, and Churchill Clark approached me with an idea for the Viking…

5 years ago

Product Review: MY Construction Supply Rebar Caps

We never used re-bar caps back when I was doing construction. I don’t think they had been invented yet. It…

5 years ago

On being a Gym Rat, the RX3, Yoo-Hoo, and Lucas Fuel Treatment

I've been drinking my stash of Yoo-Hoo (the review is in the works), but wouldn't you know it, each of…

5 years ago

The Best Boss I Ever Had

Gresh and I have done a couple of blogs about great guys for whom we've worked, and in thinking about…

5 years ago

Sweet Home, California and New Mexico!

Wowee, it's been nonstop travel for Gresh and me these last few weeks.   As you know from reading the…

6 years ago

Ride Easy, Mr. Fonda…

All good things must come to an end, I guess, and Peter Fonda’s life was a good thing that ended…

6 years ago

The Rimfire Series: ¡Siluetas Metálicas!

Metallic Silhouette Origins The sport of metallic silhouette shooting came to us from Mexico, where it started roughly 80 years…

6 years ago

S&S 96 Cubic Inch Stroker Rebuild

So this all got started on a trip to Baja.  My beloved '92 Softail started clanging and banging and bucking…

6 years ago

A Harley wake-up call…

So I had my new Harley, a gorgeous blue ’92 Heritage Softail, and it was a shockingly beautiful motorcycle.  Yeah,…

6 years ago