British Motorcycle Gear

Back In The Day

Baja 2009: The KLR Khronicles Part II

This is a story about a 2009 Baja KLR ride.  In Part I, we covered the ride from southern California…

6 years ago

Ascot AMA Nationals

In San Diego I lived across the street from a Safeway food market. Man, I never ran out of anything.…

6 years ago

Dropped bikes…

This is a blog I wrote maybe 15 years ago for a  friend who dropped a very expensive motorcycle while…

6 years ago

Empire of the Summer Moon

When I'm on a road trip, I sometimes know the history of the area I'm riding through, and I sometimes…

6 years ago

Bike won’t start?

Ever have one of those mornings where your bike kicks over, but it just won't start? Me?  I just want…

6 years ago

A 1917 Harley

Here's another stunning motorcycle in the Motor Museum of Western Australia.  It's kind of wild that I am finding this…

6 years ago

Silver and Red

Most all of the fun things we did as little kids were instigated by my Grandparents. Between raising four kids…

6 years ago

Dream Bike: 1920 Excelsior-Henderson

A cool story, this is:  An American (that would be me) goes to Western Australia to find vintage American motorcycles…

6 years ago

Pen Pals

Everybody loves a good human interest story, and it's hard to imagine one better than this.   Sue and I…

6 years ago

A note from Marty…

Good buddy Marty (with whom I've been riding for a long time) sent this email and photo yesterday... Joe, That…

6 years ago