British Motorcycle Gear


That’s Not How We Do It In China

See that gap?  That narrow space between the semi-truck hauling 20-foot long, 6-inch diameter solid aluminum rods and the BMW…

6 years ago

Named, noted, and quoted…

Hey, this is cool.  Our story on the CSC City Slicker and Zero electric motorcycles was picked up (and quoted…

6 years ago

Made in China: The Rushmore Riders!

Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota...the turnaround point on our 5000-mile Western America Adventure Ride, a wildly-publicized event to show the world…

6 years ago

Malls, Munro, Taj Mahals, and more…

I guess I should start this piece by explaining I’m not even sure what the Clifton Club is. After spending…

6 years ago

High end, high class small bikes…

On its face, it seemed like a weak market to target...folks  who want very high end, small displacement, expensive custom…

7 years ago

The Green Island!

We’re Los Angeles Times subscribers. I tell you that not to imply I’m a well-read person who keeps up with…

7 years ago