British Motorcycle Gear


Adios, Mi Amigo!

Well, I had a good day on the range until my Model 59 broke.  It's the gun my father bought…

3 years ago

Reloading and Shooting the .300 Weatherby

I’m in the money with the Mark V .300 Weatherby now, but it took some doing to get there and…

3 years ago

Product Review: Black Rifle Coffee

Good buddy Mike was in town for a few days, and what better way to spend it than on the…

3 years ago

Vanguard Safari First Shots

Last week I wrote a blog about my .300 Weatherby Magnum Vanguard Safari, and I recently spent a bit of…

4 years ago

A .300 Weatherby Vanguard Safari

I'm a shooter and a collector.   I'm old enough and I have enough toys that each time I buy a…

4 years ago


That photo above?  My good buddy JBFLA posted it on the forum a few years ago along with the…

4 years ago

Marlin 1895 Cowboy Revisited

This is a followup to an earlier blog  about installing a new Williams front sight on my 1895 Marlin Cowboy…

4 years ago

Gardner’s Powder-Coated 185 gr SWCs

Here's a quick look at some new 185-grain powder-coated semi-wadcutter bullets I received from my good buddy Jim Gardner.  I…

4 years ago

A Favorite 1911

The 1911 is an all time favorite handgun for me (and a lot of other people, too).   I've owned several…

4 years ago

Safe Queen, or Shooter?

Some folks won't shoot a commemorative or high end custom gun, and instead relegate the firearm to a life of…

4 years ago