British Motorcycle Gear


IMR 4166: A quick look

Necessity is the mother of invention, or something like that.  When I heard that IMR 4320 was discontinued (on top…

4 years ago

Two .44 caliber 1858 Remington New Model Army Revolvers

This is a guest blog by good buddy Jose, and it compares two modern Italian reproductions of the famed .44…

4 years ago

Colt’s New Python Range Tested

The Colt Python is an iconic handgun that stands out as the pinnacle of the gunmaker's art. They were originally…

4 years ago

Ruger’s Custom Shop Super GP100

Colt has a custom shop, Remington has a custom shop, Winchester had a custom shop, Savage has a custom shop,…

4 years ago

A Tale of Two 300 H&H Magnums

I had the 300 H&H Mags out last week, and when reloading the brass from that range session, I noticed…

4 years ago

Shortages, Gougers, and Trolls

Gougers.  People who overcharge simply because they can when supplies are low.  Someone who takes advantage of a bad situation.…

4 years ago

An Eleanor Update

You'll recall a recent blog where I waxed eloquent about Eleanor, my Ruger RSM .416 Rigby rifle.   In that blog,…

4 years ago

Getting into Reloading

You’ve thought about reloading, you’ve read stuff from us and others about the benefits of reloading, and you want to…

4 years ago


I don't name my guns.  Except for one.   That's Eleanor in the photo above. I have a thing for big…

4 years ago

Colonel Colt and Captain Walker are in the building…

Two beautiful handguns, the ones you see above are.  The one on top is a Colt Walker, the one on…

4 years ago