British Motorcycle Gear


Mini 14 Marksmanship

I recently purchased a copy of Field and Stream, a magazine I had not read in decades.  I was traveling,…

6 years ago

Gunstock Refinish: Part I

I'm refinishing the stock on my .222 Remington Savage 340 and as promised, here's the beginning of the story on…

6 years ago

Loaded for bear…

As the title of this blog implies and in this case, my good buddy Jason was literally loaded for bear.…

6 years ago

The Rimfire Series: ¡Siluetas Metálicas!

Metallic Silhouette Origins The sport of metallic silhouette shooting came to us from Mexico, where it started roughly 80 years…

6 years ago

The Browning B78

Sometime in the late 1970s, when I was an engineer on the F-16 program at General Dynamics in Fort Worth,…

6 years ago

Rabbits to Rhinos…

It was a day on the range with three classic and regal rifles:  A .22 Hornet Winchester Model 43, a…

6 years ago

A Model 700 Varmint Rifle

There's gun stores, and then there's gun stores.  I can't pass a gun store without stopping in.  The issue is…

6 years ago

A day at the range…

I belong to a small circle of good buddies who, like me, are into shooting military surplus rifles and other…

6 years ago

Reloading Part IV: Wrapping It Up

This post wraps up our tutorial on reloading .45 ACP ammunition, although from time to time we'll be posting favored…

6 years ago

101 years old, and counting…

By Joe Berk It was one of the ones that got away, that Colt 1917 was, and I regretted it…

6 years ago