British Motorcycle Gear

Joe Gresh

Tools For a Motorcycle Trip Part 2: You’ll Need a Luggage Rack contributor Mike Huber recently wrote a story about tools to carry on a motorcycle trip. The story threw me…

5 years ago

Repairing Blinkers: KLR250 Refresh, Reflash and Rehash Part 2

Blinkers on a dirt bike are kind of silly but lately I’ve been running The Widowmaker, my 2005 KLR 250,…

5 years ago

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One: KLR250 Refresh, Reflash and Rehash Part 1

I’ve owned a KLR250 for a long time. I bought the thing on highway 40 between Ocala and Ormond Beach…

5 years ago

Freeze Warning

Summer has clawed its way up from the Tularosa valley and settled in here at 6000 feet. Tinfiny Ranch is…

5 years ago

Product Test: BMG Adventure Pants

As any loyal reader of knows, I recently got all new riding gear from British Motorcycle Gear. In this…

5 years ago

Mentors: Virgil B. Patterson

Once upon a time I wanted to be a boat mechanic. When I met Virgil B. Patterson I got the…

5 years ago

Tie Back Action!

Tinfiny Ranch is a steep and rutted place. Located in the foothills of the Sacramento Mountains we get a lot…

5 years ago

Zed: Miles of Smiles

During this Covid-19 lockdown I’ve been racking up the miles of Zed. I fill the tank before I leave home…

5 years ago

CSC’s new colors and some good adventure video…

I stopped by CSC Motorcycles last week to visit with my friend Steve and see the new TT250, San Gabriel,…

5 years ago

Zed: Better Living Through Silicone

Every time I tinker with Zed it leaks a little less. This session I tackled the alternator wire oil leak.…

5 years ago