British Motorcycle Gear

Joe Gresh

Zed’s Not Dead: Part 18

The pace has quickened here at Tinfiny Ranch. Lots of new parts from Z1 Enterprises arrived and lots of new…

5 years ago

Zed’s Not Dead: Part 17

Repairing old motorcycles is both fun and unnerving. After a couple weeks waiting on shims I finally finished the valve…

5 years ago

The 5 Deadly Sins Of Motorcycle Restoration

My idea of a good restoration and your idea of a good restoration may differ, but you know deep down…

5 years ago

Meow Wolf

West of downtown Santa Fe, New Mexico towards the strip malls, chain stores, and old neon-lit motels, is a thing…

5 years ago

Zed’s Not Dead: Part 16

The Rustoration of Zed, my 1975 Kawasaki Z1 900, has once again hove into view. After several months of pouring…

5 years ago

Dream Bike: Triumph T160

The mid-1970’s Triumph T160 is one of the best looking motorcycles ever. The swoopy tank, the perfect stance, the soft-edged…

5 years ago

What’s On Your Shelf?

Before the Internet I used to read books. Not just motorcycle magazines, although they were a great source of ideas,…

5 years ago

The 100-Mile Loop

If I had to guess, and I really can’t imagine why I’d ever have to, I would say New Mexico…

5 years ago

AMA Pro Racing Dismembers The Golden Goose

Fresh off a couple years of record attendance and wild popularity for flat track racing the AMA has decided to…

5 years ago

Spaceport America

Fifty or so miles north of Las Cruces, New Mexico and just over the mountains from White Sands Missile Range…

5 years ago