The pace has quickened here at Tinfiny Ranch. Lots of new parts from Z1 Enterprises arrived and lots of new…
Repairing old motorcycles is both fun and unnerving. After a couple weeks waiting on shims I finally finished the valve…
My idea of a good restoration and your idea of a good restoration may differ, but you know deep down…
West of downtown Santa Fe, New Mexico towards the strip malls, chain stores, and old neon-lit motels, is a thing…
The Rustoration of Zed, my 1975 Kawasaki Z1 900, has once again hove into view. After several months of pouring…
The mid-1970’s Triumph T160 is one of the best looking motorcycles ever. The swoopy tank, the perfect stance, the soft-edged…
Before the Internet I used to read books. Not just motorcycle magazines, although they were a great source of ideas,…
If I had to guess, and I really can’t imagine why I’d ever have to, I would say New Mexico…
Fresh off a couple years of record attendance and wild popularity for flat track racing the AMA has decided to…
Fifty or so miles north of Las Cruces, New Mexico and just over the mountains from White Sands Missile Range…