I didn’t start out working for Mr. Bray. He was a deep red construction foreman who had been baking in…
Zed’s electrical system was in sad shape. There were a bunch of melted wires and saving the harness seemed like…
Hey, check this out...that blog I did a few months ago on Sandy Hook, New Jersey, made it into print…
I’m not superstitious but the 13th installment of Zed’s Not Dead ran into a few problems. I’ve been having good…
Reason 1: Leaf Springs The YJ, built from 1987 until a somewhat vague date in either 1994 or 1995, came…
When I took off Zed’s rear wheel I noticed two spacers on the brake drum side. This isn’t very Kawasaki-like…
Water Canyon Road, west of Socorro, New Mexico is paved all the way to the Water Canyon Campground. The Campground…
Zed is missing its chrome seat bar and rather than finding a stock replacement I grabbed this $50, period-correct luggage…
Say what you want about the man in the White House, or the former man in the White House, or…
It's alive! Wow. If you'd like to see the rest of the story (and it's not over yet; there's still…