British Motorcycle Gear

.38 Special

Your Worst Gun?

Here's another story from good buddy Jose.  These are his opinions about his worst gun, a Cobra Derringer.  Jose gives…

2 years ago

Three Rapid Fire .38 Loads

By Joe Berk Today I took the Model 60 to the range.  All shooting was at the standard full size…

2 years ago

Lee .357 Magnum Dies, Cast vs Jacketed Bullets, and Crimping

This blog is longer than I intended it to be.  I thought I would just do a quick bit about…

3 years ago

The last Betty…

Some days at the range I don't feel like punishing myself with heavy recoil or trying to shoot the tightest…

3 years ago

Two Bodacious Belly Guns

Not too long ago, I posted the Model 60 handjob blog, which was a story about fitting a new hand…

3 years ago

A Model 60 Hand Job

You know, you can have a lot of fun dreaming up titles for blogs.  When I told good buddy Mike…

3 years ago

Gats and Hats I: The Model 60 S&W

There's a Facebook group called Snub Noir and I enjoy it.  They have a lot of good info there about…

3 years ago

Rifle Primers in Revolver Ammo

With reloading components still hard to find, the question emerges:  Can you use rifle primers in handgun cartridges?   If you're…

3 years ago

New Shoes for the Model 60

I visited with good buddy Paul up north last week, and while I was there he showed me a set…

4 years ago

The Model 52 Smith and Wesson

I'm a lucky guy.  One of the Holy Grail pieces in my collection is a Model 52 Smith and Wesson. …

4 years ago