British Motorcycle Gear

AKT Motos

Volcan Nevado del Ruiz

By Joe Berk That big photo above?  That's my old HJC carbon fiber helmet at an elevation of 13,576 feet,…

2 years ago

AKT Motos in Colombia

After zipping through the Andes Mountains in Colombia for a week on RS3 motorcycles with my good buddies Juan and…

4 years ago

Day 8: Sweet Home La Ceja!

Our last day on the road in Colombia was just a few days before Christmas, and it was a fine…

5 years ago

Day 7: Volcan Nevado del Ruiz

On my 8th day in Colombia and 7th day on the road, we left the town of Honda and rode…

5 years ago

Day 6: Honda

The Colombia motoventure continues!  This is Day 6 of my epic ride through Colombia's Andes Mountains with good buddies Juan…

5 years ago

Colombia Day 5: Villa de Leyva

We're up to Day 5 in Colombia from my December 2015 circumnavigation of the Andes Mountains.  The riding was incredible,…

5 years ago

Day 4: Barichara!

Continuing the Colombia adventure, this was my post for the CSC blog on the 18th of December in 2016.  We…

5 years ago

Day 3 in Colombia: On to La Playa de Belem

Our Colombian adventure continues...this is the blog from the third day on the road in beautiful Colombia.  It was a…

5 years ago

Day 2: Mompos!

The Colombia adventure continues.   For those of you just joining us, this is a series of blogs I wrote four…

5 years ago


My ride through Colombia started on 13 December 2015 (it's hard to believe it was more than 4 years ago;…

5 years ago