British Motorcycle Gear

Baja cuisine

Bobbie’s Solo Baja Ride: Part 2

By Bobbie Surber In Part 1 I shared with you my adventure from Sedona, AZ, crossing the border for the…

2 years ago

Baja’s Los Naranjos

I have several favorite restaurants in Baja, and Los Naranjos in northern Baja's Guadalupe Valley is certainly one of them. …

3 years ago

Favorite Baja Hotels: Guerrero Negro’s Don Gus

That photo above could also be in our Phavorite Photos series.  It's the motorcycles on one of our Baja rides…

4 years ago

Favorite Baja Hotels: Guerrero Negro’s Malarrimo’s

This blog grew longer than I had planned.  I thought I would touch on Malarrimo's (one of my favorite hotels…

4 years ago

Favorite Baja Hotels: Bahia San Quintin’s The Old Mill

Ah, the Negro Modelo flows freely at the Old Mill Hotel.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.  I'll start by…

4 years ago

Baja Cuisine: Rosarito to Ensenada

One of the best parts of the Baja riding experience is the cuisine. Yep, there are great roads, the scenery…

7 years ago