British Motorcycle Gear


Bangkok Part 4: The floating market, good eats, and good friends

By Joe Berk It was to be a busy day in Thailand starting with a long ride south out of…

1 year ago

TJ’s Latest Custom Handguns

By Joe Berk I had lunch with good buddy TJ (of TJ's Custom Gunworks) recently and he showed me an…

2 years ago

Colt’s Python versus Ruger’s Blackhawk

The Colt Python versus the Ruger Blackhawk:  Apples and oranges?  Maybe, maybe not.  This blog compares the two .357 Magnum…

2 years ago

A Sneak Preview…

Wowee, do we ever have some good stuff coming up right here on the ExNotes blog.  Guns, motorcycles, adventure touring…

2 years ago

Lee .357 Magnum Dies, Cast vs Jacketed Bullets, and Crimping

This blog is longer than I intended it to be.  I thought I would just do a quick bit about…

2 years ago

A Colt Visit

The city of Hartford in Connecticut is Mecca if you are a Colt fan (as in Colt firearms), and I…

3 years ago

Rifle Primers in Revolver Ammo

With reloading components still hard to find, the question emerges:  Can you use rifle primers in handgun cartridges?   If you're…

3 years ago

A TJ Trigger for My New Python

As I mentioned in a recent blog, good buddy TJ (of TJ's Custom Gunworks) reworked the trigger on my Colt…

4 years ago