British Motorcycle Gear

Single Action Army

The Autry Museum Colts

By Joe Berk I haven't been to the Autry Museum in Los Angeles since 2018 when I took the photos…

11 months ago

A Colt Visit

The city of Hartford in Connecticut is Mecca if you are a Colt fan (as in Colt firearms), and I…

3 years ago

A Uberti 44 Special SAA

Good buddy Paul is the guy who got me interested in the Uberti Single Action Army and blackpowder Colt replicas,…

3 years ago

Youberty? You bet!

That would be my tuned Taylor Uberti in .45 Colt, the Italian Stallion Single Action Army revolver that has graced…

4 years ago

Colonel Colt and Captain Walker are in the building…

Two beautiful handguns, the ones you see above are.  The one on top is a Colt Walker, the one on…

4 years ago