British Motorcycle Gear


Another Tale of Two .45s…

We've done "A Tale of Two Guns" pieces before here on the ExNotes blog, and we've specifically done a "Tale…

6 years ago

The 375 H&H at 100 yards…

Here's a quick update on the .375 H&H that I promised a few posts ago.  In that post, I mentioned…

6 years ago

Reloading and Shooting Cast Bullets in the Mosin-Nagant Rifle

I'm a Mosin-Nagant fan, as you know from reading our prior posts on these fine old Russian warhorses.  I've got…

6 years ago

A .300 Weatherby Vanguard

You know, there’s more to the American Pickers television show than just watching a couple of cool dudes and their…

6 years ago

Big recoil, tiny groups: A Model 700 in 7mm Weatherby

  A short while ago I wrote about my Dad's left hand 7mm Weatherby Mk V, and how Roy Weatherby…

6 years ago

The Early Machine Guns and modern Gatlings

Yeah, I know...a Gatling gun is not a machine gun.  It was a hand-cranked weapon back in the day, but…

6 years ago

The 7mm Weatherby Magnum

This is a hot rifle with a cool story. Folks, check out this left hand 7mm Weatherby Mark V… It’s…

6 years ago

375 H&H Loads…

A couple of folks wrote to me asking about the loads I used for the recent blog about the Model…

6 years ago

A .30 06 Mk V Weatherby…

After a couple of months of not being able to shoot because the creek was too high, good buddy Greg…

6 years ago

The Remington Safari Grade .375 H&H

I started playing with guns when I was a youngster and the disease progressed as I aged.  I almost said…

6 years ago