British Motorcycle Gear


Applying Taguchi to Load Development

By Joe Berk People reload ammunition for different reasons.   It used to be you could save money by reloading,…

6 years ago

A Savagely-inexpensive rifle…

I’m a rifle enthusiast, I can’t pass on an interesting experience, and I’m cheap. So when I was in a…

6 years ago

No Refunds!

Some days you just have to pick up your marbles and go home. We’ve had a lot of rain out…

6 years ago

A custom .375 Ruger…

About six years ago I had an urge to build a custom rifle. Some folks consider a custom rifle to…

6 years ago

The Rifleman’s rifle…

This is a cool story that goes like this...several years ago I decided I wanted to hunt pigs.  I had…

6 years ago

Precipitation, polarities, headgear, and gobble gobble…

The rain has been nonstop here for the last several days, and for the last couple of nights it’s rained…

6 years ago

Pawn Stars, Pellet Pistols, and Bond. James Bond.

When I wrote the CSC blog, I occasionally did a gun piece on it. This is one I did about…

6 years ago

The Rimfire Series: First Person Shooter

The odds are infinitesimally small that I will ever be called upon to overthrow a tyrant. I’m much more likely…

6 years ago

Gun stuff is da bomb!

Or so sayeth Joe Gresh, soothsayer, philosopher, and observer of the human condition extraordinaire. Say what you wish, every time…

6 years ago

Pigs and Poison Oak

Friday was a good day, as is any day spent on the range, and for me, Friday last week meant…

6 years ago