I recently wrote to my good buddy Sergeant Zuo, who led our 2016 ride across China. Zuo lives in Lanzhou, a huge refining center we visited on the China ride. He and I became great friends on that 38-day adventure. Zuo is a former Chinese Army senior NCO and in an earlier life I was a lowly lieutenant in the US Army. But hey, a lieutenant outranks even a senior noncommissioned officer, and every morning (even though we served in different armies), he’d snap to attention and salute me. And I would then return the salute. It was cool and it added to the good nature and relaxed camaraderie we all felt on the China adventure. Zuo is that rare natural leader you sometimes encounter when groups gather and he was perfect for the China ride. He made what could have a been a scary undertaking into a grand adventure. I would follow him anywhere, and I imagine the troops in the Army units he led felt the same way.

Zuo owns an RX3 (he was one of the very first people to buy an RX3 in China) and it is his daily driver. He doesn’t speak English and I don’t speak Chinese, but that had no impact on us. We spoke RX3 and riding, I guess, and we formed an immediate bond. A good motorcycle can do that, you know.

Our trip started in Chongqing, we rode to northwest China (the Tibetan Plateau and the Gobi Desert), then back to central China, and finally over to Beijing and then Qingdao. Qingdao was a name that stuck in my mind. Nearly 50 years ago I was on a US Army missile site in Korea and our primary target line pointed straight across the Yellow Sea at Qingdao. And now, here we were at the end of our China ride five decades later in that very same city.
Zuo, Gresh, I, and a dozen others rode our motorcycles right onto the beach at Qingdao, stripped down, and went swimming in the Yellow Sea’s cool waters. Damn, that felt good. After fighting the oppressive heat and humidity of a damp Chinese summer, I could have spent all day in that cool ocean water. Back in the day I was ready to launch missiles at bad guys coming from Qingdao; 50 years later I swam in the Yellow Sea with Zuo at that very same spot to wrap up the grandest adventure of my life.

With that as a backdrop, here’s the note from my good buddy Zuo:
—— 左振义 2020年3月20日 于中国.兰州
Yeah, I know, you don’t speak Chinese. That’s not a problem; we’ll just turn to Google’s translation site:
Joe (big uncle):
Thank you for your letter.
Seeing the spread of the new coronavirus (CV-19) in the United States from the Internet, this terrible guy has become a common enemy of humanity, but we should believe that it will be defeated! Although the epidemic situation here has been controlled and alleviated, the epidemic alert has not ended.
J, I’m fine, thank you.
Reading your and Erji’s blog is the biggest joy in my life, and it’s great to see you playing happily. Because you have always believed that there is a good friend who cares about you on the other side of the ocean, has you been paying attention to you.
When the epidemic is over, it will be my happiest waiting if I can travel with you.
I miss you so much–my mentor.
Say hello to your friend.
I wish you and Erji all the best.
—- Zuo Zhenyi in Lanzhou, China, March 20, 2020
About that “Erji” business…the Chinese quickly gave Gresh and me Chinese names. I was Dajiu (big uncle), and Joe was Erji (little uncle). After that initial christening, those were our names for the entire trip. It was cool.
You know, when this CV19 business is over, it would be grand to get Zuo over here for a US and Baja ride. It’s something to look forward to, and I promise you it’s going to happen.
Edit: Just in case you haven’t seen these videos, here you go. The first is Gresh’s China Ride video, the second is the one released by Zongshen. They’re both great.
I’m in on the Baja/Zuo ride!
You and me both, Arjiu!
Thanks for the uplifting correspondence, Joe! The world is a small place when we talk to one another.
Peace to you!
You bet, Grant! Hey, let’s do Baja again as soon as we can!
So nice for this memory and to read fresh correspondence from Zuo. Thanks for sharing it. And I want to be on that USA ride when he comes over!
You got it, James.
It is great to hear from somebody that you feel like you know from a Faraway place. I read your book and somehow feel like I kind of know the sergeant. Thanks for keeping us up with the news of the world. And if he ever does come to the United States and rides Baja let me know! I’m sure I could break away from Florida for an event like that! Thanks Big Uncle
Sure thing, Terry. This would be a good ride.
Great to see such an uplifting correspondence while we prepare for our difficulty. Like another said, we do best when we relate to others as people. I would hope your friend comes here to travel, and you also get to travel in China again.
I’m in the same age group as you, in NY with (today) half the infected in the nation. With half my life spent in law enforcement, I see many problems ahead. Be well, live well, ride safe all.
Thanks, Steve. Stay healthy and stay positive. We will get through this.
大洋彼岸的朋友向Joe Berk及美国的朋友问好!
Folks, this is from Sergeant Zuo! Translated, it is:
Friends from across the ocean say hello to Joe Berk and friends in the United States!
The new coronavirus can’t scare the great Chinese people, nor can it scare the equally great American people. Everything will be fine!
Thanks for commenting, Sergeant Zuo! You captured what we are feeling exactly.
Ah, a comment posted by my good buddy Zuo! Translated, it is: Are you okay with friends across the ocean?
And the answer, of course, is: Absolutely! It’s great hearing from you, Zuo. Stay healthy, and here’s to the next ride!
Great to hear from you. Hope all is well in your part of the world. After all this virus stuff blows over you must come to the USA for a ride.
Joe Gresh
Amen to that, Erjyo!
—— 左振义于中国兰州
I miss you guys very much.
We have just experienced the fight against the virus from the Spring Festival to the present: stay at home, stop socializing, postpone work hours … A person who likes cycling and outdoor will not let out? !! But for health, it must! I can experience what American friends have experienced now, because we have just experienced it. everything will get better!
—— Zuo Zhenyi in Lanzhou, China