It’s been a challenging time, but the WordPress automatic email blog notifications are back on line. I’d like to be able to tell you why the “improvement” caused things to stop working, but I can’t. The people who create the software for this feature (they call it a widget, which is probably and insult to widgets worldwide) advised deleting the update and rolling back to the original version, but that didn’t work initially, either. So we waited a few days (especially after seeing the help board explode with other bloggers complaining about the failure), tried the rollback to the unimproved version again, and voilà, it worked.
Our apologies for the screwup. Eh, these things happen. If you want to sign up for blog update notifications (and we think you should), the widget is in the upper right corner of this page if you’re viewing the ExNotes blog on a laptop, and it’s at the end of this blog on a mobile phone. You might want sign up for two reasons…one, the blog is great, and two, we’re giving away another moto adventure book at the end of this month to one of the folks who get our automatic updates.
Stay tuned, mi amigos, because there’s more good stuff coming your way real soon. Uncle Joe and I are headed into Mexico next week, and you sure don’t want to miss any of the Baja updates!