Another great blog: CSC Motorcycles

When I retired from CSC, I was a bit nervous about walking away from the CSC blog.  I need not have been…the CSC blog is doing well and the writing in it is first class.  I think it’s better than when I wrote it, and the credit for that goes to Randy Reek (the blog’s author) and Steve Seidner (CSC’s President and CEO).  CSC has an owner’s group riding event this weekend in Moab, and I’m looking forward to reading the CSC blog posts about it.

There’s a lot going on at CSC, not the least of which is the new line of electric motorcycles, the upcoming release of the new RX4, and the continuing success of the TT250 and San Gabriel lines.   The new San Gabriels have a new headlight and instrument pod, a rear disk brake, and new colors (the black is stunning).  

At $2195 for either the TT250 or the San Gabriel (and CSC’s warranty and tech support), these are unquestionably the best motorcycle values in America.  CSC is bringing a new electric scooter to America, too…the Wiz.

Cool stuff.   Stop by their site ( and check out what CSC has to offer.   It’s a cool place and you’ll like it.