What’s On Your Shelf?

Before the Internet I used to read books. Not just motorcycle magazines, although they were a great source of ideas, but real books. I shot a close-up photo of our bookshelf the other day for a Wastebook post. It was just for fun but looking at the photo I realized the impact some of the titles had on my typing. I never started out to write. I never dreamed of writing the Great American Novel. I fell into typing by osmosis and now I can’t stop. Once I was roped in I mostly tried to emulate my favorites. Find a writer you like and think like them. I don’t try to copy or mimic my favorites, I channel them as I type.

First up is A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. Mr. Toole killed himself long before ACOD was published. It pisses me off that he chose that path for strictly selfish reasons: I wanted to read more of his stuff. ACOD is a huge, rambling thing full of recognizable personalities, disgusting situations and incredibly funny passages. The Levy pants story will be pleasing to anyone who has held a job (no matter how briefly) and the hot dog cart bit is familiar to anyone who ever tried to sell Christmas cards door to door.

The Best of S. J. Perelman is a collection of essays from The New Yorker. This is a guy you will want to steal from after the first verb. People will look at you like you’re crazy when reading this book on an airplane because you really will be laughing out loud. (Not to be confused with the nearly meaningless LOL, which is often used on the web for things that aren’t actually all that funny.) Perelman’s short bits cover a wide range of topics but always end up absurd. If I could write as well as him in today’s media environment I still wouldn’t be making any money but at least I’d have cigarettes.

The Portable Dorothy Parker is another collection of stories written for The New Yorker. That mag must have been something. At a time when women were routinely named Dorothy she did play reviews, poems, screenwriting and managed to get herself blacklisted. Less bitter than H. L. Mencken, Dorothy’s stories can be safely read both by people with suicidal tendencies and regular folks.

It seems like there are a lot of collected works on this shelf. CT organized it. The unseen hand of her masterful brain is behind the curtain. Anyway, don’t blame me. The Best of Robert Benchley is another collection in the smart, funny but down to earth mold. Benchley also wrote for The New Yorker (what a murderer’s row!) and he dabbled in Vanity Fair during slack times. When these stories were originally written the intention was to parcel them out slowly. Each issue of The New Yorker was an event. Best-Of collections hit you with a fire hose of quality that overwhelms your brain and maybe numbs your senses a bit.

The Commitments, The Snapper and The Van are three full-length books crammed into one small space. I’ve read The Commitments and The Van for sure. I can’t remember if I read The Snapper so I’ll have to get my magnifying glass out and check. If you only have time to read one of these stories by Roddy Doyle make sure it’s The Van. The Van is like Trainspotting except with food trucks instead of heroin.

The Best Short stories of O. Henry should be required reading for anyone thinking of writing for fun or…fun. O. Henry invented the ending-with-a-twist that featured large in last century’s story telling. We seem to have gotten away from these surprising finishes like, “Darn! She shouldn’t have cut her hair!” Now stories just kind of fade out with a pale, rictus arm reaching out of a lake or it’s revealed that the two main characters are father and son.

Finally, we come to Hunger by Knut Hamsun. This book was published in 1890 yet the ensuing 130 years have not dulled the edge of the humor in this book. Fittingly for this blog, the protagonist is a failed writer and we follow his slow starvation and descent into a delirium world. It’s funnier than it sounds. If you want to be a successful writer, learn a trade is what I took away from reading Hunger.

These are some of the books I use as inspiration when I’m faced with replacing a transmission in a Jeep or trying to work the self-checkout in Wal-Mart. At the emotional level, living in today’s world is no different than when these authors were writing. Life still becomes more ridiculous the deeper you dig into the thing and all we can do is shake our heads and crack wise. Wait here while I go sell my pocket watch.

7 thoughts on “What’s On Your Shelf?”

  1. Reading has been replaced by “The Bachelorette” , the Kardashians and all their kind. Look around you, the toll is ghastly.

    What will we do when the Joes retire?

    1. Greetings Joe

      Have been reading the Joe and Joe writings from the beginning. Have even opened the wallet and purchased some of your books. The question of what is on my bookshelf inspires me to reply.
      The keystone of my books would be Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. By Charles L. McKay! A serious review of the mass hysteria of the common man. In these modern times we tell ourselves that we are better informed and make better choices. Not so! We are still as lemmings and will run off that cliff going with the flow. Have long thought Popular Delusions needs to be required reading for everyone before being allowed the privilege of exercising the franchise to vote.

      Next will suggest L.J.K. Setright who hss been writing the automotive and aviation books and articles for decades. Will offer this is the writer Joe wishes he would become. The intricacies of the sliding pillar suspension of the Morgan is poetic inspiration when described by Mr.Setright.
      Well known is Nevil Shute. What is not so well known is Nevil Shute Norway was the engineer and writing was the pastime. Norway was very involved with the early days of the British aviation industry. Will recommend Round the Bend. Motivation for doing your best work as the mechanic or engineer. A Zen and Motorcycle Maintenance many years earlier in aircraft. Inspiration for not accepting the might be good enough. That as mechanics, engineers, technicians, we are compelled to perform the best possible work anything less would be profane to the devine.
      Stopping at three suggestions for now.


    1. Decades ago it seems I was an avid reader. Mostly Science Fiction but at least they were (often) hardcovers. Something went south somewhere along the way, and around the turn of the millennium motorcycle magazines became my go-to reads outside of work stuff. Now that mags are all but extinct, I’ve been eyeing my dusty shelves for potential. A lot of highly literary tomes courtesy of my wife’s good taste and upbringing. But I think I will keep digging until I find my Heinleins and Asimovs and Clarkes. Ellisons, Nivens, and assorted Zelaznys too. Nothing beats reading a good book on a rainy and cold no-ride day, sitting by a nice fire with a G&T in hand. Except maybe a really good motorcycle magazine featuring your dream bike. Same fire and drink.

  2. Joe, I’d like to recommend a good motorcycle related book…one to bring a smile to your face while dealing with winter weather and darkness. ‘Dave and Suzanne’s Big Frickin’ Canadian Motorcycle Adventure’ by David P. Moore. ISBN-13:978-1456352424. My wife is reading this for the second time and is laughing so hard it’s actually distracting.

  3. Currently reading Louis L’Amour’s “Education of a Wandering Man”. It is an excellent recounting of his travels around the world after leaving school around 14-15 years old. In the chapters he lists many of the books that he had read while seafaring, caretaking mines, and hobo-ing across the south.
    One of these days I am going to start listing all the books I have read, and all the books I want to read……they are all great conversations.

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