British Motorcycle Gear Exclusive Offers!

By Joe Berk

Good news!  Good buddy Andrew Capone, Isle Of Man empresario and British Motorcycle Gear baron is having an exclusive sale for ExNotes readers.  It’s a whopping 21% off any BMG brand jacket. When you enter your order on the British Motorcycle Gear site, just add the code BMGJOES21 at checkout.  British Motorcycle Gear also has great deals on Belstaff closeouts (as well as nice gifts in the $100 range) for under your Christmas tree.  Andrew tells us that the 21% BMG jacket discount is 1% more off the sale he’s currently running, and that’s because we ExNoters are his kind of 1%-ers.

You read about Andrew here on ExNotes before.  He’s the real deal and he’s a real rider.  The latest issue of Motorcycle Classics magazine (Jan-Feb 25) is about to hit the newsstands, and Andrew’s magnificent Norton P11 is featured in it.  It’s a great read about a great bike (I know because I wrote it).  Pick up a copy when you get a chance.  Or, if you have a subscription, you can read it online.

You’ve also read about BMG gear here on ExNotes.  Joe Gresh tested several of their items, he’s a crusty old fart, and he gave all the British Motorcycle Gear high marks.  You can read Gresh’s BMG reviews here.

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3 thoughts on “British Motorcycle Gear Exclusive Offers!”

  1. I sub to that mag. It’s a good one and I enjoy your by line when I read it.
    That’s a great Norton though I fail to see where in England one can get much use out of it as was intended.
    Blasting thru , say, the Midwest USA is perfect scrambler stuff. I do hope your buddy actually rides it . Norton was a bit late in the game with this model , as was its sister AMC twin Matchless.
    I think scrambles had become motocross by that time. P11 to heavy. But I will leave that to more knowledgeable historians of the era .
    1% Joe? I don’t even consider myself 1% . Maybe years ago I was actually part of the demographic the AMA labeled as such . I would consider myself perhaps 2% today. The AMA spends hundreds of dollar trying to get me to join .
    That’s never going to happen . Actually I do save some of the stickers and paste them upside down on my tool boxes etc.
    I am annoyed with the MCmagazine though . They sent me advertising email to buy their publication on used bike prices. One is supposed to get Bikes of the 60’s free along with it . But they charged me for both . 😬 so far they haven’t replied to my bitching. It’s a great mag or else I would cancel my sub. But I won’t be buying anything extra from them ever again.
    Happy Festival of Lights!

    1. Thanks for commenting and thanks for the kind words for MC. I really like that magazine.

      As you’ll see when reading the P11 article, almost no P11 motorcycles were for domestic (English) consumption. The bike’s target was the US.

      Your comments are spot on. I think you’ll enjoy the story. And yes, Andrew rides his P11.

      I had the same experience trying to order that 2 for 1 deal, so I didn’t place the order. I’ll let them know about it.

      Thanks for the good Hanukkah wishes.

  2. Off topic,

    I’m going on my 3rd? Year with the BMG jacket. I’m guessing around 30,000 miles on it, maybe more. It’s holding up well. All the zippers still zip, the snaps still snap and the Velcro still vells. It’s pretty dirty and I should probably wash it but at this rate the thing should last 20 years. Assuming I last 20 more years…

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