A Tale of Two Travelers

I had a great lunch last week with Trevor Summons, the fellow who won our quarterly email drawing for a copy of Moto Colombia.  Wow, was I ever surprised.  When I met Trevor and gave him a copy of my book, he gave me a copy of his!

Good buddy, fellow traveler, and author Trevor Summons…and a copy of Trevor’s Travels.

Trevor writes a newspaper column appropriately titled, “Trevor’s Travels.”  The columns feature cool places to visit, mostly here in the Southland.  Well, Trevor combined some of his favorites into a book with the same title (Trevor’s Travels, of course) and it’s good.   Really good.  I enjoyed reading Trevor’s column and there are a few I’ve missed, but I’m busy catching up with the book.

Hey, don’t feel bad if you haven’t written your own book.  You can still win a copy of one of mine when you add your name to our automatic email update list.  Our next contest ends 31 March, so don’t wait…add your name now!