Where does the line form?

So the price of the new Harley Livewire has been announced, and it’s just under $30K.   With taxes, dealer setup, freight, etc., it’s a bike that will be somewhere around $35K.   Every blog, motorcycle forum, and motorcycle news outlet on the planet is carrying the story, and I have little more to add.  Everyone with an opinion is posting why this makes sense, or why it makes no sense.

When Harley came out with the V-Rod 15 or so years ago, I said it would flop, and I posted a comment to that effect on one of the forums:

Wow, a 600-lb motorcycle with 85 horsepower.   Where does the line form?

That comment ultimately was proven correct, and it somehow seems Livewire-appropriate today.  I’ll leave the Livewire pricing, marketing analysis, and deep thinking to the other online pundits.  My prediction?  It took the V-Rod more than a decade to die.  The demise of the Livewire, at $35K, will be mercifully quick.  I hope I’m wrong, but I suspect I am not.