We had a glorious ride today, from Tecate along the Ruta del Vino to Ensenada, and from there down the Transpeninsular Highway to San Quintin, which is where we are spending the night. The weather has been perfect. The Bullet, no so much so earlier, but I think we’ve got it wired now. More on that in a bit.
Joe and I swapped bikes today, so I was on the Bullet and he was on the 650 Interceptor. He’s in love with that 650, and it’s easy to see why. The 650 is a home run for Enfield, I think. Like me, Gresh is wanting to buy one, too. But I’m finding I really love the Bullet as well. Yeah, it was missing a bit, but like I said, I think we found and fixed the problem. You know, it’s not an adventure until something goes wrong, and then a big part of the fun is figuring out what to do about it. I’ll get to that shortly.
The photo ops along the Ruta del Vino were awesome, and we took advantage of them…

Another cool thing….with all the rain we’ve had this winter, I’ve never seen Baja so green. As we rode through the old wine country south of Ensenada, the green mountainsides were blanketed with bright orange wildflowers. It really was quite a sight. I didn’t get any photos of that, but I will on the return leg of this trip.
So, about that Bullet missing deal. The bike only did it when decelerating and then accelerating, and it felt to me that it might be a clogged injector. It doesn’t take much to mess with a fuel injector. Gerry Edwards, my good buddy at Brown BMW, used to work on my RX3 and he’d always dose it with Lucas injector cleaner. Gerry thinks the stuff is great, so Gresh and I found a Mexican AutoZone store in Ensenada and I bought some. We put a little bit in and it didn’t really make a difference (if anything, it felt like the Bullet was missing more). As we continued to ride south, I thought about what it could be and concluded it might be related to a spark plug. We stopped at a Pemex station and pulled the plug. What happened next was interesting. The plug body looked like it had been arcing, but even more interesting was the way the sparkplug cap literally fell off the lead to it. When we looked inside the cap, the screw that turns its way into the lead was covered with green corrosion. Joe got a wire brush and cleaned the connector well, we put it back on, and the bike is running way better. We’ll know for sure tomorrow when we pile on the miles to Guerrero Negro, but I think we’ve got it. I felt a noticeable improvement as soon as we put it back together.

You know, you’d think that I’d not like a bike that’s missing, but I am loving that Bullet. I love the vintageness (if that’s a word) of it, and I’m enjoying racking up the miles on a big single. It’s cool. It’s kind of a Lawrence of Arabia feeling, floating along at a steady 65 mph and listening to (and feeling) that big thumper thumping away. I can’t really describe it, but I’ll think about the right words some more and give it another go in tomorrow’s blog. I like it. A lot.
I’m happy to report that the Old Mill Hotel in San Quintin is going strong, and they’ve opened a new restaurant (the Eucalipto). We had a couple of beers after the bikes were put away (Lucia took good care of us), and then it was on to a fabulous dinner (Gresh bought!).

Tomorrow, we’re headed through the Valle de los Cirios, and then Guerrero Negro. Stay tuned, folks. Good things are happening.
Joe berk did uncle Joe use his special vise grips and some tools he gathered from Hunter’s place jajsja
Orlando, we didn’t use anything other than what came in the Bullet’s kit, other than a wire brush to clean the connection.
Enjoy your trip Gentlemen please, and thanks for sharing your adventure. Nothing better that a little problem solving as you go along. I rode for years with a group in Illinois that lived to see something or someone on the side of the road dead. Or even better, if anyone in the group had problem they jumped right on it! Of course, one of the worked a Argonne National labs, and the other worked at Fermie labs on the Quark…me I was the gopher. As you say, no road ride adventure is complete without a little problem solving! Keep writing and taking picture or two we in you audience are enjoying the ride.
Thanks for your kind words. If you love reading about things going wrong and their fixes, you will love the next one. Good times. Gresh and I are decompressing with a couple of Tecates in Guerrero Negro right now. seeing the whales tomorrow!
HUH?… “floating along at a steady 65 mph” … on the Bullet?
My 2014 Military Green C5 doesn’t miss a beat but 65 mph would be its top speed without fragmenting. LOL
You need to twist the throttle more…
We missed U we had arrived to San Felipe today for the night. John W. Will keep track were U R so if possible meet. Have fun 😁