A couple of cool videos…

Two cool videos are making waves this week.  One is a recent release by my good buddy Buffalo Bonker about his recent ride across Iowa on his RX3…

I met Buffalo on one of the CSC Baja rides, and the guy is a hoot.  He bought the RX3 to go on the Baja ride (he had never ridden a motorcycle before), and since then he’s completed a number of great adventures, including a ride through Vietnam.  Most impressive, and thanks for allowing us to share your video here on the ExNotes blog, Buffalo!

The other video of note is good buddy Joe Gresh’s review of the Royal Enfield Interceptor, which continues to rack up the views…

Joe Gresh has a number of outstanding videos, and it you’d like to see more, just drift on over to our YouTubby page!  We’ve just updated our video page, with more videos and better organization to make things easier to find.   We have shooting videos, riding videos, motorcycle reviews, and more.  Enjoy!

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2 thoughts on “A couple of cool videos…”

  1. Hi Joe Berk,
    This is Good Buddy, Fred, from Texas.
    I’m your biggest fan! I enjoy reading your Exhaust Notes and have followed your CSC blog since July 2010. Plus I have read all of your books that have been published since 2010.
    Judging from your comments on Empire of the Summer Moon, I highly recommend the small, non-fiction book, Bud and Me by Alta Abernathy. I grew up in Oklahoma and had several rounds of Oklahoma history but never knew anything about the adventures of the Abernathy boys. My wife and I visited the Chisholm Trail Heritage Center in Duncan, OK, several years ago; and, while admiring a replica of a vintage Brush automobile, one of the volunteers asked us if we knew the story of the Abernathy boys. When we said, “No,” she directed us to a room filled with newspaper articles and pictures of the exploits of Bud and Temple Abernathy and subsequently to the book, Bud and Me.
    Theirs is a most amazing story, and their adventures reminded me of you and your motorcycle trips all over the country and the Baja only they started their solo trips on horseback in 1910 at the young ages of five and nine. Over the course of three years, these boys had more excitement than most people experience in a lifetime. They met famous people such as Quanah Parker and Teddy Roosevelt and rode in a parade down Fifth Avenue just behind Teddy’s carriage and in front of the Rough Riders. And, that was just icing on the cake.
    Their dad was “Cactus” Jack Abernathy whose story is found in the book, Catch ‘em Alive Jack by John R. Abernathy. His claim to fame was his ability “to catch wolves by forcing his hand deep enough into a wolf’s mouth long enough to capture it, a service for which he was paid fifty dollars by eager ranchers.” He caught the attention of Teddy Roosevelt who had to arrange a wolf hunt in Texas to witness this feat for himself.
    I think you would really get a kick out of these books. They can be purchased from Amazon.
    In a couple of months, I turn 80 and will hang up my motorcycle riding after 67 wonderful years. I’ll have many fond memories of my days on the bike, and I’ll ride along with your writings for my remaining years.
    Ride safe, Good Buddy….Fred from Bluff Dale, Texas

    1. Thanks, Fred, and great to hear from you again. Congrats on your upcoming 80th birthday, too!

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