I’m up early before I head to the rifle range, poking around a bit on the Internet, checking the news sites and reading the latest propaganda from both ends of the political spectrum (is anyone objective any more?), and generally just catching up on things. This is another random walk through an ever-increasingly random place (i.e., my mind). Bear with me; here we go…
One site I’d like to alert you to if you don’t know about it already is Bator International:

Bator International popped up in my Facebook feed. I knew of it, but I didn’t know much about the place, so I clicked and wow I was impressed. The photographs of vintage motorcycles are awesome, and I saw more than a few I’d like to own. Bator International is in Ojai, California, and I know that makes for a nice motorcycle ride. Take a look. You can thank me later.
The sticker business is going well. Gresh had a great idea with this stickers, and we’ve been getting lots of signups for our automatic email update notifications…

You can get your ExNotes sticker by signing up here…
We’ve had requests and your two Joes have been talking about organizing the Baja staff ride we mentioned earlier. We’re thinking maybe a 7-day ride to see the whales in Scammon’s Lagoon, and that puts it sometime in the first quarter of next year. You’d have to have your own motorcycle, of course, and you’d have to be on our automatic email update list. If you want to go, let us know, but only let us know if you’re willing to commit. You know how that goes…you say you want to do a big ride, 200 guys say they’re going, and the morning you roll, it’s you and one other guy. So if you say you’re in, please be for real. And those whales….wow!
So I’m leaving for the rifle range in a little bit, and I’m pumped up. I bought a box of once-fired vintage .300 Weatherby brass at a gun shop in Lamar, Colorado a couple of weeks ago, I loaded it last week (we’ll be doing a series on reloading rifle ammo in the near future), and I’m going to send lead downrange through a rifle I bought a decade ago but never fired. It’s a Weatherby Mk V I saw on a Gunbroker.com auction at the height of the Great Recession. A gun shop in the upper Midwest was going under, and this one was a real find. These photos are from that Gunbroker ad…

The price was right, the caliber was the quintessential .300 Weatherby, and I pulled the trigger (figuratively speaking). I just never got around to firing it, and today I’m going to correct that character flaw. I’ll post more photos of the Euromark later this week, and we’ll add a feature on this fine rifle to our Tales of the Gun page.
And that, folks, is a wrap for today’s ExNotes blog. Stay tuned; we’ve got more good stuff coming your way.