Happy Veteran’s Day!

Veteran’s Day:  It’s one of my favorite holidays.  It’s a way of recognizing that some among us served, and I enjoy this day more than any other.  If you’re a vet, we salute and thank you.

My wife reminded me this morning that one year ago today, we visited the Jack Daniel’s distillery in Tennessee on Veteran’s Day, and I remember well just how much fun that was (and how big a fuss they made over us).  You might enjoy that story.

Our local paper ran an article yesterday about all restaurants in our area that offer free meals or discounts on Veteran’s Day (there are 26).   Me?  I’m going to enjoy a free Grand Slam at Denny’s today.  Hey, why not?

If you’re a veteran, you know the feeling and the pride of having served your country.  Our thanks to you, and enjoy the day.