I just returned from a road trip and our last day was in Death Valley, California. I’m embarrassed to admit that I had lived in California for more than 30 years before I ever made the trek to Death Valley (that first trip was on my KLR 650). I’ve been there five times now, traveling on different bikes and in different cars. Death Valley is probably my favorite California destination. I thought I would do a blog about this latest trip and then I realized: Death Valley is a story that takes more than a single blog. To get things started, here’s a link to a Destinations piece I did on Death Valley 11 years ago for Motorcycle Classics magazine. There’s lots more coming, folks, so stay tuned.
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I read the article in Motorcycle Classics when new, re read it now. I didn’t know you wrote it when I read it the first time… I might have buy your book on travel destinations from these guys.
You should buy two. They make great gifts. Buy a thousand and I’ll ride to your place and sign every one of them.