Interesting Times

I wish I had a few words of wisdom for everyone concerning this COVID 19 thing, but I do not, other than to say we’ll get through this, don’t hoard, and wash your hands.  That’s the extent of my advice, so let’s get on to lighter stuff, which I could sure use a good dose of these days.  Good buddy Duane sent a link for an Enfield story to me a day or two ago from Bloomberg news.  When I saw the source I thought perhaps Duane had gone over to the dark side (you know, Bloomberg and all), but I guess even egomaniacal billionaires like Mike (who obviously didn’t make it happen) find an acorn once in a while.  This is a story on the new Enfield, and they did a pretty good job with it.

Then another Enfield story popped up in my Facebook feed with a very cool Enfield video.  It’s light, I enjoyed it, and it pretty much sums up my feeling about motorcycles these days:

Enjoy, folks, and keep the faith.

10 thoughts on “Interesting Times”

  1. Joe, if you ever have a chance to visit the town of Marne, Iowa you will come upon maybe the best Triumph & Royal Enfield dealership there is. Baxter Cycle is the name, and Jeremy Pendergast is the Manager. Nicest guy you will ever run across. And don’t miss the vintage collection in the back room!

      1. Joe, as Martin said, Baxter is one of the most unassuming places you will ever visit. I live in the Omaha area and have been to Baxter numerous times. Always make time to visit the back room. Awesome collection

        1. I’ll have to make the trip someday, Dave. Good to hear from you. By the way, Jay says hi!

          Jay Leno and Dave Walker

  2. Sorry Joe, I just can’t make myself click a link to a Bloomberg site. I’m assuming it ended up being a positive article.

    1. I hear ya, Dude. It was a decent article.

      Hey, the guy carried American Samoa. You gotta give him some credit.

  3. Well, that was refreshing. Looks like a lot of it was filmed in the Malibu Hills, my playground. My Sportster knows those roads so well and its one of the best places to ride in SoCal. And that new Royal Enfield seems so effortless and fun. So tell us Joe, now that you have one is it really like that? How about some more blog articles about the new kid?

    1. It was a great video, I thought, and I had the same conclusion about the location. It may have been the very same bike I rode to Baja, as it was labeled as the Interceptor on the side cover decals, and not the INT. It really is quite nice, but alas, I don’t have even a hundred miles on it yet. I’m down with a cold that’s been kicking my butt for a week. I’ve been avoiding the lines at Costco and catching up on my reloading, and taking in a little TV and reading, too. Plus, as you know, we’ve had a bit of rain out here. Trust me on this, my friend, there will be more articles on the Enfield, the RX3, and the TT 250. And gun stuff. Working one right now on a Ruger GSR in 308 that groups way better than any short-barreled, iron-sighted rifle has a right to do. I had hoped to be in Baja this week enjoying a Tecate or two with Baja John but this cold is holding me back. Soon.

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