Pffffft…Bond…James Bond

Like everyone else on the planet except the nefarious bastards of SMERSH and SPECTRE, we mourn the passing of Sean Connery, the great talent who defined and was the ultimate Bond.  James Bond.  Checking out at age 90, Sir Sean lived a long life.  With that many years and many wonderful roles under his belt, he got his money’s worth, I think.  So did we, speaking as one among hundreds of millions of people lucky enough to enjoy his work.  Still, it was tough to hear of his passing.

That poster of Sean Connery above?  A lot of gunsels may not know this, but the iconic early James Bond movie posters showed Sean Connery armed with…a pellet gun.  A Walther LP53, to be specific.  Take a good look, and then look at this photo of my Walther.

I’ve owned my Walther for a lot of years (I wrote an ExNotes blog on it a year or two ago that tells a more complete story of the Bond connection, with a bit of pellet pistol bragging rights thrown in for good measure).

Rest in peace, Mr. Connery, and thanks for the many good stories you brought to us.

3 thoughts on “Pffffft…Bond…James Bond”

  1. Sir Sean Connery lived a good life and provided us with his many years of great acting and entertainment, most notable was playing the famous James Bond. Many of us grew up with the James Bond books and movies (I have every book and movie) and to this day he was the best actor to play James Bond.
    So sad, but he is gone, but will not be forgotten. He was “Bond, James Bond”.

    RIP Sir Sean

    1. One of his movies that I enjoyed is the less-well-known Finding Forrester, in which he plays a reclusive but famous author mentoring a city kid. The young guy asked the character Sean Connery portrayed if women would sleep with him if he was a good writer. Connery smiled and answered, “they’ll sleep with you even if you’re a bad writer.”

  2. He was really a man’s man and I always enjoyed watching his movies. He had a unique screen presents and as i have said many times I would watch him read the phone book. At one time he live down the street from me in Florida. So I can come and go but didn’t really want to bother the guy. Rest in peace to the ultimate Scotsman

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