Truer words were never spoken…

ExNotes features a bunch of things (motorcycles, guns, watches, reloading, and more).  We get way more hits on the gun pieces than we do on anything else, but truth be told, we’re old and we’re not motivated by hits, likes, tweets, or any of the other silliness introduced by the so-called social media platforms.  Gresh and I write because we like to write.  It’s that simple.  Don’t get me wrong:  We love it when you click on the pop up ads that appear on the site and in our blogs because that puts money in our pockets.

On occasion, we’ll hear from some left wing asshole (sorry for the redundancy) with his shorts in a knot when we do a gun blog.  Hey, we get it: Some folks hate guns.  My advice and response has always been simple:  If you don’t like guns, don’t buy one.  If you don’t like a gun blog, don’t read it.

But even a lifelong, died-in-the-wool shooting enthusiast like yours truly feels sick, disgusted, and unspeakably sad at the rash of mass shootings that have become common in the last few years.  I knew a guy who lost a daughter in the Virginia Tech shooting.  The aftermath is gut-wrenching.  I’ve wondered:  Should these high capacity weapons be outlawed?  Then I remembered…guns that hold large quantities of ammo have been around for over a hundred years, and when I was a kid, we didn’t have these mass shootings.  So what’s changed?

A friend sent this YouTube video to me a few days ago.  I can’t remember ever having agreed with Bill Maher on anything (not that he or anyone else needs me to), but I think old Maher nailed it.   Take a look:

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13 thoughts on “Truer words were never spoken…”

  1. I think that the unrestricted abundance of gun violence can be explained in very simple terms. The fact that (young) people are influenced by violence of all sorts has long been documented and placed in a section considered useful for further examination and widespread use.
    It has been clearly stated that the 1994-2004 AWB greatly spawned the popularity of self-loading rifles and this decade-long ban could well have had foreseen consequences in the same manner that prohibition created the crime syndicates which erupted after WW2.
    Knowing full well that the morality of many people was on the decline – aided and abetted by the internet, smartphones, computer games, television, music, homelife deterioration, etc, the ‘experts’
    deliberately and expertly engineered this new social experiment into a continued and wanton world of violence with all kinds of firearms , which makes you wonder why the McVeigh method was conveniently left under the mat somewhere – for future use perhaps?
    It is inconceivable that the social media warnings from a great many perpetrators were not picked up and acted upon, after all, 90% of the population is hard-wired into their smartphones and appear to know what’s happened even before it does. So, too, are the authorities, who have known about many perps and not acted.
    So the solution is very simple: allow the most heinous crimes to be committed by firearms in order to gradually build up a fear, distrust and hatred of guns and the 2A. It is not my business to point the finger at any corner of the political spectrum but rest assured, it comes from all directions – especially the media who have brazen agendas and use their words with even more violence than the one they say are trying to prevent.

  2. Excellent blog post!
    Maher may be on the socialist democrat side of things, but he seems to call it like it is on many issues.
    Thanks for posting this, I don’t watch or subscribe to Maher, but I do enjoy seeing him deliver commentaries such as this one.

  3. Some countries do limit the amount of violence that can be shown on screen and they also make it illegal to sell or possess violent video games. America should follow in their footsteps. It ain’t gonna solve all our problems but it can’t hurt.

  4. There is a flaw in this argument and that is other countries, whose kids watch the same crap, don’t have near as many mass murders. Even after taking Population into account.

    I’m sure the movies help things along and have you checked out video games? They are Uber violent. I don’t have the answer so arm yourselves, the zombie apocalypse is upon us.

  5. Mr Maher needs to tread carefully, lest the Hollywood wokery may feel threatened and attempt to cancel him. It just wouldn’t due to have him forcing them to stop spraying fuel onto the flames feeding their pet peeve of gun violence, and their prescribed solution of gun control, which is just code for gun confiscation, but they’re much too smart and cowardly to come out and say that.

    However, when a man is right, he’s right, and in this case Mr Maher is definitely right, backs it up pretty convincingly, and nails it to the door of the media church like Martin Luther did back in 1517. It’s hard to dispute his thesis when everywhere you look we see adolescents emulating those that they admire, from they way they dress, to how they style their hair, to how they conduct themselves in public. The good news is that I think it will get better, eventually; but before that happens it’s going to have to get a bit worse, since I don’t think that we’ve quite hit bottom yet. Here’s hoping.

  6. Wow. I haven’t listened to Bill Maher since he called members of the American military ‘cowards’. By whatever means necessary, I guess. Military assault type weapons need to be made available only to those responsible enough to own them. How do we do that? You wouldn’t like the answer but to many, innocent children murdered is well worth it. Ya know, yada yada yada ‘tyrannical government’ yada yada. Only we just had a tyrannical government and it was the people guns that rushed to help them out. LOL. Anyways, *dyed.

  7. Evil will never die of old age.
    For 200+ years God our Creator has used America as a hindrance to evil becoming full blown around the world. WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam , Cuba Missile crisis, etc. . Thank you all you vets and honest police for your service to our country.
    America was founded on God fearing principles that morally kept the evil part of the world in check both home and abroad. God made this country one of the most powerful because it stood for what was right in Gods eyes.
    And the majority of Americans had high morals.
    Long before there were Jews or Christians on earth who believed in one God Creator , God told this gentile world back in the early BC 4000 history to be fruitful and multiply and don’t kill each other and if you killed someone on purpose you were to be killed by man because it wasn’t right.
    Now we have a country/world that has pushed God aside along with high moral standards and is becoming so Godless that it will be worse then before the flood of Noah’s time.
    Which will lead too judgment of all evil.
    Evil hates good so it is at war with good.
    But God will win in the end from reading what happens in the Book of Revelation.
    Evil has already been judged for what it is.
    Punishment just hasn’t been administered yet because our Creator wants everyone to be saved from the coming judgment.
    Look at a USA quarter coin from 1985. It shows George Washington facing towards the words “In God we trust”
    Now look at a later USA quarter from say 2020. It shows George Washington looking away from the inscription ” In God we trust”
    That is the problem, we have turned our backs on God our Creator and evil is chipping away at the truths we have held in this country for centuries.
    Choose wisely, don’t be like evil.
    How was that for a Saturday sermon?

    1. Rob, you must be very pleased. Maybe it started out as a ploy to attract votes but we now have a SUPREME court (note the uppercase to imply “above/highest”) who wishes to join church and state. What could possibly go wrong.

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