We’re Off!

Joe Gresh arrived here at ExNotes Central late last night (after driving 850 miles in a single day), and it was good to see old Arjiu again (that’s Joe’s Chinese name, I’m Dajiu, and you can read all about how we picked up those names in Riding China).

We’re going to be on the road as you read this, and you can follow our adventure right here on the ExNotes blog.  If you missed the first few preparatory Enfield posts, here they are:

The Bullet hits home!
18 again!
BajaBound on Royal Enfield!

Stay tuned, and if you haven’t done so already, please sign up for our email blog notifications.  You might win one of our moto books (and hey, we have two more in the works right now), you’ll never miss one of our dynamite posts, and we’ll never give your email to anyone else.

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