I’ve got a few good buddies who are living legends, and you’ve heard me talk about some of them in the past: Guys like Jeff Beatty (US Army Ranger, Delta Force, FBI HRT, and CIA CTC), Steve Seidner (founder and president of CSC Motorcycles), and our very own Joe Gresh (purveyor of the human condition and writer extraordinaire). One of the guys you haven’t heard me mention yet is good buddy Chuck Johnson…

Chuck is a retired US Marine Corps senior NCO, and when he wrapped up his career with the Marines, he immediately joined the Sheriff’s Department and he had a stellar career there. I’ve known Chuck for a few years, but something I learned about him recently was a real surprise. Chuck and I were chatting at the rifle range a few weeks ago (he’s the Range Master there) and I commented that with the things he’s seen and done he could write a book.
“Well, I did write a book,” Chuck answered. You could have knocked me over with a feather. Folks who write books are not people I get to meet every day. Who knew? I immediately asked Chuck for the title and where I could buy a copy. Chuck told me, I ordered a copy that day, and I couldn’t put it down after Amazon delivered my copy of Target…Cop.

I enjoyed Target…Cop immensely. You will, too!