Nick Adams

By Joe Berk

Sometimes you get lucky and a hidden Internet gem emerges. is that hidden gem for me.  I found it surfing the web for Moto Guzzi information.  I always wanted a Moto Guzzi, preferably an older classic, and when searching on that topic Nick’s website popped up.

Nick Adams is a guy my age who has cool website and an even cooler set of videos.  He’s based in Canada.  The video below about his ride across that great land is a treasure.  Nick is a skilled videographer and photographer, his narration is soothing, and the scenes and the story are magnificent.  The fact that he rides a classic V-twin Guzzi makes it a joy to watch.  My advice:  Grab a cup of coffee, click on the video, expand it to full screen, and enjoy.  I sure did.

Nick wrote a series of books on a variety of topics (including motorcycle touring).  I ordered one a few days ago (you might consider doing the same), and after I’ve read it I’ll post a review here.  I’m expecting a great read, and I intuitively know Nick won’t let me down.

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11 thoughts on “Nick Adams”

  1. Quite interesting,I’ve never warmed up to a Guzzi. I was introduced to a man that does maintenance on them in St Joseph Mo. There has never been a dealer in my town.120 miles to KC or St. Louis I’m in Columbia right in the middle.Nice read.

    1. I’ve never owned one; always wanted to. The Griso one they had about 10 years ago really spoke to me. So do the older classics like Nick’s. They sound a lot like a Harley.

  2. There was a guy, years ago, that took a Honda XC500 all over the Earth. He claimed it couldn’t be killed. It’s got the same engine configuration as the Guzzi and most likely more reliable.

    1. Baja John had the one they called the Baby Gold Wing and he ran it all over. He owns two CSC motorcycles now. Good buddy J had another of the Honda Guzzi replicas and loved it.

    1. well i did have one. i got it in a big estate deal with a bunch of bikes and stuff. i sold it w/o doing anything with it. it was the guzzi or a “55 BMW i chose to keep the BMW. at the time i didn’t know much about guzzi. i didn’t realize it was a first year.

      unfortunately the pic and many others from that era i lost.

  3. The old Ambassador I rode was wooden feeling. Terribly boring motorcycle for a young kid.

    I rode a newer Adventure style 850, it was a lot peppier but still had a soft, slushy feel.

    Maybe I haven’t ridden the right Guzzi yet.

    1. It could be you are just not old enough to appreciate them yet.

      Stay cool out there in that desert.

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