An SR 500 On The Block

By Joe Berk

When Joe Gresh posted his article yesterday about downsizing his project list and knowing his limitations, we received an interesting comment from one of our readers:

Now that your flush with cash, how about a SR500, Its on my chopping block. With my recent dive in to the Ducati end of the pool I’m gonna keep the 1974 Suzuki Titan and the 99 Suzuki Bandit 1200s and the Ducati Monster S2R 1000… Thinking I have finally done it…. then boom, Hey come look at a 1965 BSA C15… Free. Dammit

Well, that comment sure had my attention.  I’ve always wanted an SR500 Yamaha.  So I wrote to Dragonknee about it, and here’s what he told me:

I do have photos and I’m asking 1850.00 for it. I do have extras but with those I’m into it about 2300 bucks. I have a spare motor and a bunch of period correct extras. Supertrapp and Lockhart oil cooler along with the parts to do a dual disc set up and just tons of other things.

In addition to the photo at the top of this blog, here are three more.

Dragonknee is up in the Pacific Northwest, and that’s a bit far for me.  The bike seems like a hell of a deal.  If you’re interested, leave a comment with your email address.

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11 thoughts on “An SR 500 On The Block”

    1. Indeed. I’d be tempted. But I have enough toys I’m not tending to already.

  1. Annual personal property tax insurance and license fuel stabilizer and battery chargers. No I can’t take any more right now myself but I know the 400 Yamaha was an excellent bike.

    1. Bam! Right there ^^^
      Then there’s the brake bleeding and coolant change marathon.

  2. That’s a good deal for someone. The kickstart puts off oldsters but if you know how they start relatively easy. I’m keeping my powder dry for an Ossa.

  3. Thank you Joe for posting, If it doesn’t sell it will be rolled back to the back of the garage and then it will be brought out later. Its all there and has great bones for sure. Hope it goes to a good home but if not… I wanted it to begin with and still love it..

  4. I’m interested, live just south of Olympia, would like to see it, and need to know a price.

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